What type of "blind" am I?
39Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
40Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?"
41Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.
-John 9: 39-41
What does Jesus mean in verse 39? This is how i see it: First, we're blind to our sin. Then Jesus removes that blindness and we see the muck of sin in our lives and then poof! it's gone and we can't see it anymore...we're blind to it (in a sense). Kinda weird, but kinda makes sense. The question we should prepetually be asking ourselves as Christians is this: In what sense are we blind? Are we the first blind, where we think we're the shizzle and that we're not very sinful people? I know in my head that that's wrong but in my subconscience, i know that i carry myself with a certain arrogance and hubris saying in my mind, "Yeah God, I'm a pretty good servant of yours. I don't sin. I'm good." Verse 41 says that if i could truly see, i'd feel "guilty of sin", but a lot of the time, i find myself ignorant of sin! That should NOT be. It is time we (namely I) humble ourselves daily and open our eyes, away from the blindness, and start to realize the muck of sin in our lives, because until we come to a point where we can see that dirt and feel the guilt that comes along with it, we can't attain the second blindness: the sheer joy of having a slate wiped clean by the Lord. This is the blindness I want; an inability to see my sin because Jesus has taken it away. Total reliance on him.
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